The Forgotten Centurion

An abstract picture of the bust of the Forgotten Centurion in armor. The image is made up of muted dark greens, grassy browns, and white, and there are blue highlights in the armor. There is a brick red shape in the center of the image that could be the Centurions chin and neck or part of the armor. The armor is made up of sharp triangles and some curved elements on the helmet and shoulders. I am sorry I cannot describe the full complexity and texture of this piece.

In days of old, a tale unfolds,
Of a soul lost in the annals of time,
A warrior brave, forgotten, untold,
A Centurion, whose spirit did climb.

In ancient Rome, his valor soared,
Amidst legions’ might, he stood tall,
A shield against the chaos roared,
In battles fierce, he gave his all.

With glinting armor, gleaming blade,
He marched with honor, chest ablaze,
Through trials endured, a path he made,
To write his legend, in history’s haze.

Yet as empires fall and ages pass,
Memories fade, like echoes thin,
The Centurion’s glory, alas,
Lost in shadows, where few have been.

Through centuries long, he lingered there,
An echo of valor, faint, forlorn,
His name, once cherished, now rare,
In history’s maze, a spirit torn.

Yet deep within the heart’s recess,
His essence lives, forevermore,
In tales of courage, we confess,
A whisper of him, we restore.

So let us resurrect his name,
The Forgotten Centurion’s plea,
Embrace his legacy, reclaim,
A hero’s soul, forever free.

For in the sands of time, he lies,
A beacon of strength, undeterred,
The Forgotten Centurion, arise,
In our hearts, your flame is stirred.